The Shul Bat Mitzvah Club



What, it’s not all about the party?? 

Join our Bat Mitzvah Club and find out what it really means…

Good Deeds. Good Friends. Good Times. The Shul offers a comprehensive program for girls in approaching Bat Mitzvah age which includes Judaism, Mitzvah Projects, and specific classes that pertain to a Bat Mitzvah girl. The Club is directed by Mrs. Dobie Rubinstein.

The Bat Mitzvah club shows girls why a Bat Mitzvah is much more than a party. Learn what it really means to be a Bat Mitzvah in the modern world.

Bat Mitzvah age girls meet three times a month for enriching and meaningful discussions about the significance of becoming a Bat Mitzvah. Club members enjoy a wide range of crafts, activities, and more.

Discuss hot topics. Share your interests, goals, hopes, and dreams. Express yourself!



Who: 6th & 7th Grade Girls

What: Jewish Learning

When: Inquire with Program

Where: The Shul - Bal Harbour

Region: Central Miami Dade (Miami Beach)

Contact Information:

The Shul Bat Mitzvah Club



Phone Number: 305.868.1411

Contact Person: Shaikee Farkash