jLAB at Temple Beth Sholom



Due to COVID-19, all jLAB programming is currently online. Zoom links are sent in weekly emails.


Our Gesher (“Bridge”) program for middle school students meets together on Monday afternoons from 4:30-6:30pm. The day has several components:

Judaic Studies classes by grade-level | 4:30-5:15pm

Grade 6: Mitzvot Students examine our commandments and explore what is relevant to them and how these laws “fit” in their modern lives. Students will also engage in Hebrew reading studies to develop and maintain their skills as they approach becoming b’nei mitzvah.

Grade 7: Torah Students explore overriding themes within the Torah as well as specific portions and determine where they see themselves in the stories and texts of our people.

Grade 8: Hineini (I am Here!) Students turn theory into reality by applying Jewish teachings and values to their own lives and exploring opportunities for them to participate in Jewish life as they move into their teenage years.

T’filah | 5:15-5:45pm

Our middle school students use the natural setting in which it occurs to learn prayer. Students have opportunities to help lead this service alongside the Cantor, and all participants develop the lifelong skill of prayer literacy.

Tracks comprised of mixed grade-levels | 5:45-6:30pm

Students can choose from:

  • Creative Arts

  • Science & Technology

  • eSports/Gaming

Students explore Judaism as integrated with the interest area of their choice. Opportunities include a variety of disciplines within each area. Through these lenses, students gain an appreciation of the weekly Torah portions, holiday observances, and Jewish values



Monday evening | 7:00–8:00pm

Confirmation Part 1: Grade 9

Confirmation begins in 9th Grade as part of a two-year program of high school level Jewish learning. We believe that staying engaged with Jewish friends and Jewish learning all through high school is not only important, but it's also essential. The Fall semester is led by Rabbi Ethan Bair and is centered on Middot-character development for mensches. The Spring semester is led by Rabbi Robert Davis and focuses on Pirkei Avot, ethical teachings for everyday life. We have purposefully chosen topics for the 9th grade curriculum, which are both accessible and in line with important questions teens at this time of life are already thinking about. 9th Grade Confirmation provides a "safe space" for our teenagers to explore personal growth and the "real stuff" in their lives with Jewish peers and a rabbi. In these unusual and socially challenging times, we believe this Jewish safe space is even more important. Join us on Monday nights at 7:00 pm on Zoom for a weekly dose of connection, friendship, and learning for Jewish personal, spiritual, and ethical growth.

Confirmation Part 2: Grade 10

Confirmation continues and is led by Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz (fall) and Rabbi Joanne Loiben (spring). This year’s experience focuses on “Questions Google Can’t Answer: Why be Jewish? To whom should I give? For whom am I responsible? What is family? Who is God?” Students will learn, grow, challenge, and discuss with the clergy and with one another. This year also includes a new version of the L’Taken experience with the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (which involves no travel due to Covid) and culminates in a beautiful ceremony of Confirmation in the spring.


Grades 11 & 12

Our Fellowships provide opportunities to build your resume and character through a Jewish lens.

Israel Fellowship: a bi-monthly Israel advocacy fellowship that focuses on dialogue and interchange surrounding topics that confront American teens on college campuses and beyond. Application acquired through Rabbi Joanne Loiben.

Justice League Fellowship: a bi-monthly social justice fellowship that focuses on creating change in our environment, both physically and metaphorically. Through physical justice projects as well as advocacy training, teens will learn what it takes to truly make a change in our world. Application acquired through Rabbi Ethan Bair.



Who: 6th-12th Grades

What: Jewish Learning

When: Monday Nights

Where: Temple Beth Sholom

Region: Central Miami Dade (Miami Beach)

Contact Information:

jLab at Temple Beth Sholom

Website: https://www.tbsmb.org/jlab

Email: barb@tbsmb.org

Phone Number: 305-538-7231

Contact Person: Barb Shimansky