J2M: Journey to Mitzvot at Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus



J2M, or “Journey to Mitzvot” is a special program that is unique to Beth Torah. 

Designed to enhance and expand the Bar or Bat Mitzvah experience and the private individual tutoring lessons. J2M is a chance for the entire family to participate together in learning about the process of becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah in the deepest sense of the word. There are parent-only activities, child-only activities, and of course, there are activities for the entire family to participate in.

Since its inception, the J2M program has generated tremendous excitement and the families that have participated have all come away with meaningful experiences that have enhanced the Bar and Bat Mitzvah experience.

J2M gives a unique social opportunity that helps unite kids coming from different schools, backgrounds, and cities. Our hope every year is to unite the Bar/Bat Mitzvah class through hands-on social action programming and identity searching activities. The Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony is an aspect of the program, however, it is not the end goal.

It runs around the school year from August-May regardless of when the Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony falls. J2M meets every Tuesday from 5-6pm and many times work hand in hand with the Kadima, our Middle School youth program. Occasionally, J2M family activities may run on a Sunday or on Shabbat



Who: Middle School

What: Jewish Learning. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program

When: Year-Round

Where: Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus

Region: North Miami Dade (Aventura)

Contact Information:

J2M: Journey to Mitzvot

Website: https://btbrc.org/j2m-bar-bat-mitzvah-program/

Email: CantorBogomolni@btbrc.org

Contact Person: Cantor Bogomolni