WIZO Kadima



We are a new group of young leaders getting together to help children in Israel. We have taken it upon ourselves to have an early start to a charitable way of life. Many of us have participated in the WIZO Community Bat Mitzvah. We are now getting together to create fun and exciting events that will benefit the children in Israel. Kadima has found a way to channel our passions into a positive direction that directly impacts less fortunate children. We have generous hearts and vivacious spirits and we are looking forward to the amazing events we will create and the positivity and generosity we will inspire in our peers. We welcome everyone to join in our efforts. By becoming a WIZO member you become a part of a community, you become a part of the WIZO family



Who: 6th-8th Grade Girls

What: Jewish Learning, Social Justice & Action, Israel

When: Inquire with Program

Region: North Miami Dade (Aventura), Central Miami Dade (Miami Beach), South Miami Dade (Pinecrest, Kendall)

Contact Information:

WIZO Kadima

Website: https://wizofl.org/

Email: info@wizofl.com

Phone Number: (305) 861-8860