Social Justice Teen Fellowship



The Social Justice Teen Fellowship program is an exclusive, action-oriented program that seeks to empower Fellows to take responsibility and action for significant social, economic and environmental problems in their local communities, both within and beyond the Jewish community.

Limited to a small group of motivated teens, Temple Beth Am's Social Justice Teen Fellowship combines Jewish text study with social justice activities and includes a social action trip to Guatemala for 11th graders and Peru for 12th graders.

This unique year-long program develops a commitment to the Jewish people and community service. It offers exceptionally motivated 11th and 12th-grade students an incredible opportunity to not only explore Jewish life but also to make a difference in the world.

Our Fellows become active participants, leaders, and agents for change in the Jewish and wider global community. Our program is guided by the following values:

• Jewish Learning — Our Fellowship program provides a framework and a springboard to promote advocacy and action through the study of Jewish texts.

• Social Activism — Judaism calls for responsible engagement with the world around us. Our program brings teens in contact with real social justice issues within our communities and empowers them to apply their talents to bring about solutions and/or alternatives in order to "repair the world."



Who: 11th & 12th Grade

What: Social Action, Leadership, Jewish Learning

When: Inquire with Program

Where: Temple Beth Am (TBAM)

Region: South Miami Dade (Pinecrest, Kendall)

Contact Information:

Social Justice Teen Fellowship



Phone Number: 786-364-9416

Contact Person: Tamara Donnenfeld